raindrop technique

RAINDROP TECHNIQUE® was developed by D. Gary Young. It involves a procedure of applying a sequence of organic and therapeutic grade essential oils that delivers nutrients to the feet, back and spine. The oils are dispensed like little drops of rain from about six inches above the back and massaged along the vertebrae and back muscles.

Raindrop is a combination of various aspects of conventional massage, adaptations of Oriental acupressure and reflexology (Vita Flex), Native American healing techniques and Aromatic Sciences using the potent line of Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils.

RAINDROP TECHNIQUE® can help to soothe chronic pain sufferers; facilitate tissue cleaning; facilitate trauma and emotional release; assist the body in strength, energy and relaxation by helping to nurture the spine.


Let’s look at an alarmingly growing problem…..too much stress and too many toxins in this world are forcing people to live way ‘below the line’ with their health. Issues like ADD, ADHD, back pain, scoliosis etc. are examples of living ‘below the line’. But individuals can learn to live and stay ‘above the line ‘ in their wellness.

There are many ways to naturally stay healthy and learn to live ‘above the line’. Raindrop Technique is one technique that offers deep relaxation to help you live ‘above the line’, breathe deeply and unwind effortlessly!

RAINDROP TECHNIQUE® can assist you in your wellness program.

Healthy in the Inside. Beautiful on the Outside.

It’s time to reclaim your health, your youth and your life. We at Reverse Aging Clinic will work closely with you to help achieve your goals for your inner well being as well as your outer.